Thursday, January 7, 2010

Joanne and Heather's IKEA Adventure

Have you ever been to an IKEA store?

We have ONE store here in Michigan, and Heather has been wanting to take me for AGES.

So yesterday we set out on my maiden voyage to IKEA!  It was a mini road trip... about two hours from Grand Rapids to Canton, MI.  In fact -- mile for mile it is about the same distance from Grand Rapids to the Chicago IKEA store -- but when you factor in Chicago traffic we were much better off heading to Canton.

Anyhoo... off we went, and two hours later... we arrived!

It wasn't long before our big blue bags were getting heavy, and we had to get a little granny luggage cart, thing... yup, I hung my purse on it too in true old lady style.  I'm sweet like that!


We were kind of amazed by this under the kitchen sink cleaning supply organizer thingy.  Isn't it sweet?  It affixes to the inside of the cupboard and then pulls out, as Heather is demonstrating!

I purchased these spice racks -- since we don't have one.  I loved it because you could buy each rack individually for only $3.99 and then a pack of jars for $2.99 and then you can hang them how you want them.  So fun!

The kids room section was ridiculously cute.  Almost made me want a kid of my own so I could decorate their room... but not quite...  : )

After almost two hours on the upper floor, we stopped at the cafeteria-ish area for a snack...

You know, power shopping food -- real healthy stuff...

Revitalized, we headed down to the lower floor to embrace all things kitchen gadget-y and more!

Seriously, wow!

And then we ran into this...

FABRIC!  On sale for $1.99 per yard.  I almost bought some, but am trying to exercise some crafting restraint.  If I'm not purchasing for a particular project - I shouldn't buy it.  Right?  But so cool nonetheless.

By now the granny cart was long gone and we upgraded to a real cart...

Heather looks so happy to be at IKEA!

We eventually finished up, and loaded up the back of the car...

I didn't actually buy anything big, no furniture or anything.  Just going there and looking gave me TONS of ideas for our house, but because I'm a good wife I figure I should talk them over with my husband first before making any large purchases...  : )

After all of that shopping there was only one thing left to do...


Both Heather and I's moms LOVE them some Bahama Breeze (as do we!) and they don't seem to have them on the West side of the state where we live.  It's a super fun restaurant that's island themed.  Feels like a little bit of a tropical vacation when you eat there.

Of course these helped with the tropical theme...

YUM!  Bahamaritas!  I know you're jealous.

So we sipped our fruity drinks on the heated, covered deck.  We ate some delicious food and jammed to the guitar player/singer guy doing some bad, overly synthesized covers of Bob Marley tunes, and relished in a kid-free evening (okay all of my evening's are kid-free, but Heather's are not.  And as much as we both love those kids, it was super fun to have an adults only, girls only evening)


Pretty much the best Winter Wednesday, EVER!  : )


Susan said...

I am so jealous...Bahama Breeze. I love it!!


Anonymous said...

Sign me up for your next trip!!!!!

angelina la dawn said...

too jealous to comment...

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

um, this looks like the best day ever.

Joanne said...

It WAS a wonderful day! Thanks for the comments, ladies!

Meg@MegaCrafty said...

I'm so jealous- we don't have Bahama Breeze where I live. Never heard of it but now I want to go to one.

We have 2 ikeas "near" me both are about an 1:45 away. Seems like no matter where you live ikeas are always more than an hour or so away. I'm not sure how they manage to make that happen- maybe it's the same magic that lets them offer a stunning chair for like 5 dollars.

Anyway it's probably a good thing they are all far away since they're so huge they take about a day to walk through properly. If they were closer people would practically have to live in them.