Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Roehm's vs. the Back Yard (and the front, too!) - Part 2

So the tearing up of the back yard continued through Saturday evening, and the boys managed to remove ALL of the brick and fieldstone, see?!



Note: Apparently I didn't take a final photo of the yard ripped up. After I posted this I realized there's still a lot of field stone in this photo. Since then, all that has been removed. Good job, Travis and Seth!

On SUNDAY we tackled the front yard - well, a small section of it. We decided to begin with the side bed that runs along the driveway, I didn't take a before shot of it (what was I thinking?!) but it looked a lot like the rest of the front of the house does, like this...

We did a lot of digging out of old plants, weeds, etc. and then removed some excess dirt. We used some of the old stone and brick we had dug up to re-shape the bed, left a small existing shrub in place, and laid down new top soil (we actually need to pick up some more of that tonight to finish it off)

I also snatched up a great deal at Lowes on some geranium pots for the front steps. I love me some geraniums!

And yes, the steps desperately need painting. One thing at a time!

In non-gardening news, there's not much to report. Travis is under the weather with an upper respiratory bug, but at least it's not the swine flu!!

Note: I am so, so tired of hearing about the swine flu already. I understand it's an issue, but geez - talk about over-the-top media coverage...


AVinNYC said...

Wow- that looks like a LOT of hard work... but so worth it in the end, right?

And yes, I would LOVE to have you for brunch! I'm a little obsessed with luncheon/snack sets these days, so next time you're in the NYC area, let me know and I'll whip up something fun! ;)

Katie said...

Nice! Everything seems to be coming along beautifully. I love the geraniums. :)